The New Year is here, and we are already back in the old routine. In case you started working or studying or you are plunged in the same old rituals, it is time for you break the old habits and take actions for 2018.
How to Really Accomplish Your Goals in 2018
Following through on those goals isn’t easy. Roughly half of those who are earnestly vowing to make improvements in 2018 are likely dusting off the same list they had last year. So if you want to actually accomplish those goals—or at least make a dent in them—by this time next year, use these five approaches.
Habitify – All the Motivation You Need to Form New Habits
With every new year, resolutions are made, thoughts are given on what we want to change in our life. To motivate you to form new habits, a new app with the name “Habitify” motivates you to lead a more productive life. It’ simple, flexible and motivating.
The Only Way to Keep Your Habits
Our tendency to be shortsighted – to value the pleasures of the present more than the satisfactions of the future – comes at a considerable cost. Many studies have linked self-control to achievement in a wide range of areas including personal finance, healthful eating and exercise, and job performance. Those who can persevere toward their long-term goals in the face of temptation to do otherwise — those who have “grit” — are best positioned for success.